Thursday, December 14, 2006

Adventures with Migraines

Until today, I hadn't had a migraine in a long time. I can tell you that I wasn't missing them at all. I don't get the really bad kind that debilitate you for days. What happens is that the migraine is triggered by a flash of light, such as sunlight glinting off a car mirror. I have an aura for 30 minutes, and then I get killer head pain. The aura basically makes it seem like I'm tuned to the wrong channel. The pain lasts until I sleep for a couple of hours.

I can't remember the last time I got a migraine. At one point in my life, I got a migraine every other Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Then I lost a bunch of weight and it seems like that helped reduce the frequency of migraines. (Of course I can't be sure because there aren't two parallel universes, one in which I lost weight and one in which I didn't.)

Today I had a migraine. It was strange because it wasn't triggered by the sunlight; it was dark when I had the migraine. I walked into a store and felt really dizzy, and then I got the aura. Unfortunately, I was all alone, so I had to wait in the store until the aura lifted. Then I got to drive twenty miles home. I made it home without getting into any accidents.

I'm trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, slowly but surely. I've started back at Weight Watchers. Hopefully I'll be able to lose the weight again and get rid of the migraines.


Anonymous said...

It may be hormonal. I don't get auras, but I sure as hell get migraines. They were almost daily before I lost the weight, but they vanished during my pregnancy. Fat cells make estrogen, and that could be lowering your trigger threshhold. Good luck with WW.


Laura said...

Yikes, migranes, that's awful! I hope they go away soon. :-(

Adam Compton said...

I completely understand the pain and inconvenience that comes with migraines. My mother's side of the family (including myself) all suffer from regular migraines. I have averaged slightly over 1 migraine a month since I was around 10 years old. I have yet to find anything that stops them, but there are medicines that will help to alleviate the symptoms. I wish you the best of luck getting rid of them.

Anonymous said...

How miserable. I get them too, although mine are always either caused by hormone shifts or sleep depravation. I hope you don't get many more!