Monday, September 18, 2006

Numbers for Today

Today is my birthday. I am 2N-1 years old today. I'll leave it to you to figure out which value of N. As a hint, I'll tell you that my dad is also 2N-1 years old, but NDad > Nme. Today is also my mother-in-law's birthday. She's turning the same age as my dad.

Yesterday was Jeff's birthday, and he turned 2N. NJeff == Nme.

Other interesting numbers: On Saturday night I measured my circumference and it was 50 inches. Today, I bought a dozen pastries and took them to work for people to eat in celebration of my birthday. It cost $26.01 (they were fancy pastries from Panera) and they ate only half of them. So I have $13.005 worth of pastries to eat. I think Jeff will be happy to help out with that.

Speaking of cost, the other day I bought something that cost $23.27, so I gave the cashier $24.02, with the idea that I would get back three quarters. But she must have mindlessly typed in the money I gave her and mistyped it as $24.01, because she gave me 74 cents. Now why in the world would I give her one penny just so she could give it back to me?!?!


Laura said...

ooh, your N=5, right? did I get it? do I win a prize??


And Dad's must be 6.

Anonymous said...

In English, please.

Rebecca said...

Laura is correct. She wins the prize: a virtual pat on the back from this crazy mathematician!

Mr. Lucchese said...

I'm gradually working my way through your archives, and I've arrived at this post. Even though I am an obvious fan of math and math riddles, I am an even greater fan of short-cuts, which is why I clicked on the View My Complete Profile link to establish your age. Why play fair when you can cheat?