Monday, February 19, 2007

Vinny Update

I realized that I haven't talked about Vinny too much lately.

He turned four months old two weeks ago today. We took him to get his four-month immunizations and checkup on that day. He is about average in weight, 85th percentile in height, and 95th percentile in head size. It's from all those brains he inherited from his mommy and daddy!

The doctor told us we could introduce solid food into his diet if he seemed interested enough. He's interested enough, all right! He's watched with great interest our forks' round trip from the plate to the mouth for a month now. I've been giving him rice cereal for about ten days now. The first time, the consistency was like formula, as they recommended, but I've been thickening it up a little more every time. At first, he didn't know what to make of the spoon coming towards his mouth, but he soon figured it out.

He has rolled over a couple of times, but I think it's mostly accidental. They say that easy-going babies tend to be a little slow to roll over, so we're not worried. As far as "easy going" goes, I'd say he's probably in the 99th percentile. I'm not sure where he got that from, as Jeff and I were both high-maintenance, demanding babies. Two negatives make a positive, maybe?

He giggles a lot and loves to play. He loves to bat at the things hanging from his baby gym. He love to play the "grab parts of Mommy's face" game too. I wish I could upload movies to this, because Jeff has this really cute movie of Vinny experiencing bubbles for the first time. Jeff is blowing the bubbles at Vinny and he is just in awe of them. It is so cute!

Anyhow, this has been your Vinny update!

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