Thursday, February 01, 2007


We were supposed to get something like four inches of snow overnight last night. I was so excited: I parked the car on the street just in case the driveway was too slick, I got out my boots, and I set my alarm for extra early to make sure I'd be on time to my opthamologist appointment.

At 3:30 a.m., Vinny woke up screaming because he was both hungry and all wet. After I changed his outfit, I looked out the window and didn't see any snow. But when my alarm went off I saw that there was maybe an inch of snow on the grass; the pavement was clear. The car was also covered with snow, so not all was lost. I used my super deluxe Illinois scraper (not my badge) to clear the snow off the car, which took a grand total of two minutes, and I was early for my appointment.

By the time I got out of the eye doctor's office, the snow had pretty much melted away. So that was a disappointment. I really miss the snow in Illinois. I don't miss the cold, though. Monday's expected high in Urbana: four degrees F!

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