Sunday, August 19, 2007

Adventures in Travel

We went to Bardstown, Kentucky this weekend. My fearless sister-in-law Ginger had invited me and Jeff's sister, Rhonda, to go with her to see a musical at My Old Kentucky Home State Park. I wasn't going to let a sore elbow ruin my weekend, so we set out for Bardstown on Friday afternoon.

We had a fun family get-together as well. Granny and Granddad came down to Bardstown on Saturday, to see all three of their grandsons (and all their children and children-in-law too. But mostly to see the grandkids.) After dinner, Ginger, Rhonda, and I went to the amphitheater to see "Big River," a musical rendition of the adventures of Huck Finn. It was really well done and we all three had a good time. I think we'll have to go again sometime.

We drove back home today (where by "we" I really mean "Jeff;" I am not allowed to drive with an obstructed elbow), taking the more scenic backroads, including some very remote backroads used to transport coal, which we (Jeff) mistook for "shortcuts." Thirty miles on a windy gravel road, with no guardrails and barely a car width wide in places? Not a shortcut. Another problem was that there were no roadsigns. But our car did acquire a thick layer of dust. And it was an interesting adventure, and we saw some breathtaking views from the ridges that we normally see in the distance from our home or the interstate. But I was getting worried that we would never find our way back to civilization!


Anonymous said...

I agree, we will have to go again! Glad you had a good time.

Captain Fatbody said...

that mountain road was FUN fun. i'm glad it wasn't dark though. And those views! you don't get that on I-75. Nope, not at all.