Saturday, June 14, 2008


I am not taking a vacation this summer because I have a student working with me for ten weeks, and I am gone on business travel for three of those ten weeks. It didn't seem fair to hire him only to be gone even more than my job requires.

This July will mark our tenth wedding anniversary, but we will delay our celebration until September, when Jeff and I will leave Vinny with his newly-retired grandfather and spend some time together exploring something somewhere.

The only piece of the puzzle that is not yet solved is what exactly we will do. We had thought of taking a Caribbean cruise and seeing the ruins in the Yucatan, before we realized that it is peak hurricane season then! So now, we're thinking of going to the Grand Canyon -- it should be lovely that time of year. I think we'd like to do some hiking into the Canyon. Anybody have any experience or suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Ooo! Come through Albuquerque/ Santa Fe/ Taos and visit us! I know you're probably not driving to the Grand Canyon, but we're kind of in the neighborhood (if you consider the entire western US a neighborhood.)

I guess that wasn't actually a very feasible suggestion. Consider it an open invitation though. New Mexico is beautiful in the fall. Plus, our spectacular Balloon Fiesta is the first 2 weekends in October.

carrie said...

We went urban for our 10th, to NYC.
Chad had never even been on an airplane. He wanted to see Yankee stadium before they tore it down. We had an absolutely wonderful time.

Have fun wherever you decide to go!

Anonymous said...

You could always go to IL and see the corn. ha just kidding

My real suggestion is Mackinac Island. It's beautiful, no cars on the island. You could walk, bike ride, or even rent horses. Very relaxing. And there is always diet busting fudge around every corner. But who wants to diet on vacation?


ScienceGirl said...

I think you should put Hawaii on your list to pick from - it is amazing, and would be pretty similar to your original choice of Caribbean.