Wednesday, April 04, 2007

More Migraines

Yesterday I had another migraine. It started at 12:30 p.m., right when I was heading off to lunch. So I couldn't hardly see the food I was selecting in the cafeteria (not that it mattered; it is all pretty much nasty), and I had to get the cashier to pull the money out of my change purse to pay for my food, because I couldn't see well enough to differentiate between the denominations of bills. After lunch, I called the doctor's office, and they let me come in for an appointment at 2. Luckily by that time I could see well enough to drive to the appointment, although I had a splitting headache. The doctor prescribed some medication for me to try the next time I get a migraine. I hope it works better for me than the other type that I tried when I was a grad student (i.e., better than "not at all").

After the appointment, I came home and slept for about three hours. Then I vegged for the rest of the evening before going to bed. Last night we had a huge storm that kept me awake for several hours. But it didn't faze Vinny. He startled slightly during the loudest thunderclaps, but they didn't wake him up.

Today my head was still painful but not as bad as yesterday. I got some work done despite the pain.


Anonymous said...

Oh dood, that's nasty! I'm so sorry!

um yeah said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I get migraines too so I can relate. I hope you're feeling better.