Sunday, May 27, 2007

In Which My Ire Is Ignited by an Anti-Obesity Activist

I recently saw a blog entry at The Zero Boss with a video that got me really angry. It was a Fox News clip discussing the alleged obesity of American Idol star Jordin Sparks. Rail-thin MeMe Roth, a representative of the National Action Against Obesity organization, described Sparks as a picture of poor health, and decried her fame as a bad example for children.

I am totally out of the loop and I had never heard of Jordin Sparks. So I looked her up on the internet, and saw that she is an attractive young lady of large stature. She looks like she is at least six feet tall, and she is curvaceous. But Ms. Roth can't appreciate the aesthetics of Jordin Sparks, instead prognosticating that she's a walking case of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer just waiting to happen. When asked if Sparks was obese, Roth demurred that was a question that should be settled between Sparks and her doctor, which meant "yes, but I'm too much of a coward to say it."

MeMe Roth came off as an aptly-named, self-centered, condescending prig in the interview segment, and I really think that's too bad. The goals of her organization, as outlined in her (otherwise ridiculous) letter reproduced in this blog entry, seem like noble, lofty goals. I'm all for eliminating junk food from schools, getting rid of unhealthy food additives, and stopping obesity from being handed down from one generation to the next. Unfortunately, her smug attitude undermines her organization's effectiveness.

If she had any iota of compassion in her body, Ms. Roth would realize that obesity is not something that can be shamed out of people. Obesity is a result of genetics, food choices, and exercise habits! If she truly cared about stopping obesity instead of feeding her own superiority complex, then she would exercise compassion for obese people and find constructive ways to help them make different choices when it comes to food and exercise.

I think that she must have no experience with excessive weight. She's never had to rethink all her assumptions about food, or change her eating habits. She's never been "good" for a week, only to get on the scale and find that she's gained five pounds. She's never been snubbed, discriminated against, or ridiculed for her size. She's never been told that the ugliness of her body is due to a flaw in her own character. She's never had trouble finding clothes that couldn't be used as tents for thin people. She's never experienced the humiliation of spilling over into somebody else's seat on an airplane. She's never stayed home out of self-consciousness and fear that people will stare. She's never struggled to exercise because the weight she's accumulated makes her knees creak, or makes it difficult to walk from one end of the room to another. Until she's had at least one of these experiences, I suggest that she kindly shut the f*ck up!

I think Jordin Sparks is a positive role model for children, because she shows that you don't have to be anorexic and toothpick-thin in order to succeed in life. I wish her all the success in the world.


Twice said...

Unbelievable! I did a google image search and showed the picture to my husband, telling him people were calling her obese. His response: "What??!?"

I just saw a few images of Marilyn Monroe. I'm sure they would saw that about her too. Sigh.

You are right - this MeMe person does *not* know. I found an interesting article in the NYTimes a few weeks ago (sorry, it is times select) that would also indicate that MeMe has no idea what struggling with weight is like:

Captain Fatbody said...

I agree totally with the fact that ms. sparks is FAR from obese. She's tall, she's not the living dead, and she's downright beautiful. Hell if I weren't already married to ms. adventures in applied math I'd have a new sweetheart :P

All I can say for ms. mini-meme that if she and i were ever to meet in a dark alley, I'd loosen my beltstrap, hit her with my gut, then roll over her repeatedly until my fat suffocates her.

Nevertheless, there was one letter you showed me that I think needs to be linked here, the one where the individual says that after a world crisis, it is she that will drop dead two weeks after the supermarkets are deserted. Maybe you can find that again and link it.

We who HAVE body fat and ARE healthy with GREAT bloodsugar and cholesterol and ARE stronger than an ox put her to shame. Truthfully, based on my numbers, I think I'm healthier than she is.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I'm pissed at YOU and ZB for forcing an American Idol winner upon my notice! Boooo! Hisss! My cultural purity is spoiled forever!

Secondly, OMG. A) Jordin Sparks is probably overweight but not obese by a long stretch. B) Even if she had to get around on a floating barge like Jabba the Hutt, her weight would be none of that harpy's business (I almost wrote "anorexic harpy", but that would pretty well nullify my argument -- it's none of my business either). And C) singing well requires good lung capacity. That right there belies the "unhealthy" diagnosis.

Rebecca said...

Twice, from what I understand, Marilyn Monroe was a size 14. Today, someone of her stature would be the romantic lead's frumpy friend. And that article is very sobering and I think they are right, it is nearly impossible for some people to lose weight. I could write a whole post on that.

Captain Fatbody, I agree that Jordin Sparks is attractive, and if you are ever a widower you may pursue her with my blessing. :)

Rach, sorry about forcing an American Idol winner into your notice. I didn't know who she was, either. I just have a problem with pencil-thin people accusing others of being obese. It sets off my BS-o-meter and I have to rant.

Jenny F. Scientist said...

I had to look up a picture of her too. She looks like a lovely, well-adjusted woman whe eats actual food.

Anonymous said...

Nice post! You have said it very well. Keep going

Anonymous said...

Just catching up on some older posts. This is a great one! Man, Husband and I both think she seemed like Such a B*itch!