Thursday, February 10, 2005

Barb's Birthday

Yesterday was my aunt Barb's birthday. Glen et al. put on a surprise birthday party for her last night. I went to it, but unfortunately Jeff wasn't feeling up to it. He did, however, bake some of his world-famous chocolate chip cookies, which I took along with me to the party.

Barb was very pleased about her surprise birthday party. She had not suspected that anything was going on, and didn't actually catch on that it was a surprise party until the second or third guest walked in the door.

Jeff's cookies were a huge success. They were freshly baked about an hour before the party, so the chips were still slightly gooey and the cookies were soft. People remarked about how delicious they were, and wanted the recipe. One woman was particularly interested in getting the recipe, and asked how she could best bribe my husband to let her have it. I told them all that Jeff is a master chef, and I don't know how he did it, but he worked his magic on those cookies. Some of the secret ingredients I do know: oatmeal, chunky peanut butter, and toffee bits, but I really don't know in what proportions or anything like that.

He really is an excellent cook. When we first got married, he didn't know very much about cooking. I taught him what I knew, and from there he took it on his own. I am not embarrassed to say that he is a much better cook than I. He works his magic more on main dishes than on baked goods. With the exception of cookies, he doesn't do much baking. Baking is more my niche. So together, I guess, we make the perfect meal.

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