Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tales of Drool

I drool more than anyone that any of my dentists have worked on. My dentist in Illinois told me that my copious saliva production is probably why I have no cavities.

Lately, Vinny has been drooling like a champ. It's because he's teething again. His two front bottom teeth broke through just before he turned four months. Supposedly he's getting the matching pair of teeth on the top, but I don't see any evidence of those teeth. Instead, I think I can see evidence of the bottom teeth on either side of the ones he already has.

In addition to all the drool, he's also chewing on anything that gets near his mouth. That includes my hand, my arm, and even my elbow. It's weird when he chews on your arm because you can feel the drool flowing down your arm. And the chewing on the elbow feels just plain creepy. But it's okay. He just has to get those teeth to break through.

We give him Orajel when the pain gets really bad, and it usually seems to help. A friend of mine also recommended some teething tablets, which we've tried once.

Anyhow, drool is a wonderful thing. It's going to wash away those gums in his mouth and it washes away the bad germs in my mouth. I hope that Vinny will inherit my drooling capabilities.

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