Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Single-Momming It

So, Jeff is gone for the rest of the week, to accompany his parents to a funeral in Florida. This leaves me home alone with Vinny, single-momming it.

This is the first time that Jeff has left and not taken Vinny with him, so it's the first time that he has been without both of us since Vinny was born. (He claimed to have done it before, but he couldn't recall when that was, or why, so I think I'm right.) I've gone on far too many business trips, so it's a little bit of payback, in a way.

My plans: leave Vinny at school all day instead of a half-day every day (they're happy to let us do that -- for a fee, of course). Vinny is pretty excited about the prospect of staying at school all day, and eating lunch with the other kids. I just have to pick him up before 6.

Tonight, we went to "pizza house" (Mr. Gatti's), which is probably his favorite restaurant ever. We may eat out tomorrow night too, depending on how exhausted I am. On Friday, I'm going to take him out a little early so we can come home and bake a cake for a party (on Saturday) celebrating the successful dissertation defense of a colleague of mine. Jeff will probably be home on Saturday sometime, but it could stretch until Sunday.

1 comment:

Madeleine said...

Good luck! Dinner time is the hardest, so since you have a plan for that you should be OK.